After what seemed like an event that would never come, AFAS and I eventually held last Tuesday. Although the programme caught AFASites by surprise, the high level of attendance points to the fact that it was a great expectation that almost did not happen. It is a good thing the executive council did not make a mess of the event; putting up a good show like that at the eleventh hour is commendable. Their efforts at seeing the programme off to a safe landing is a sign that the thoughts in many corners that the Lijadu-led administration is clueless may just be an error of judgment. Well, time is near to judge but whilst cooling off from the heat that often come with organising an event around the faculty, they should be reminded they still have a long way to go in fulfilling their campaign promises. To whom much is given, much is expected in return.


Even though the executive council is still lost in the water of confusion as to what they could organise to spice the semester up, Director of Sports, Muzamil Raji, seems to be the only one that is true to his words at the moment. Part of his campaign promises was to make the annual Dean’s Cup an all-encompassing competition by including new sporting events alongside the traditional football matches. As he promised, so he has done.  This year’s edition of the AFAS Dean’s Cup which would now be known as AFAS Dean’s Games would include track events. This is unlike what we have had in times past when the competition is only about football while those without footballing skills were completely shut out. This is a commendable effort by the Director of Sports. While many AFASites can now participate in the competition, it is our prayer that this laudable feat will be improved upon in coming semester. Meanwhile, AFASites are urged to ensure the competition maintains its fun and gaiety by coming out to participate in the events. Also, as the games will start on the 23rd of October, 2018, other members of the executive council should work on delivering their respective manifestoes. 


For a long time coming, Faculty Legislative Council (FLC) and AFAS Press have always been on different pages on the same issue. Many times, the perceived differences between FLC and the press could have been easily averted. Hence, the editorial board has endeavored so far, to handle controversial positions objectively. However, total peace cannot be found as long as the press has to perform its roles as the fourth estate of the realm. Of course, this is no claim to the saintly roles of the press organisation. With an editorial board headed by humans who are also students, we have only been striving to serve AFASites.

Yet, there are those who still think the press organisation does nothing for the association and so, should be treated so.  It is for this that the all-knowing attitude of the house which is becoming increasingly unbearable, needs to be addressed. None, for AFAS PRESS, is far-reaching than the ones displayed by the speaker, Rt. Hon. John Izuchukwu during the last sitting of the FLC on 19th October, 2018, in his usual manner of talking more than it is necessary. By exerting his powers on other honourable members of the council, the sum of One thousand naira only was approved for this year’s press night. According to him, which cannot be disputed, press night is not a party where student journalists come to eat and drink and go back to their hostel thereafter. He however maintained that the press night would only feature a question and answer session by an average of ten men on the high table. By implication, those that would not be on the high table would be observing journalists that need not be taken care of. 

With this submission, the Speaker seems to be lost on the meaning of a press night. His ignorance is a slap on his claim to being a journalist. The press night is not like a typical village meeting where elders of the village sit at the front rows and take most of the decision of the day with those below them listening but not allowed to talk. If the press night is like that, it would have lost its importance long ago. No press organization around will gather student journalists for a press night for them to only observe the process and not participate. Discussions at press nights are not limited to the high table but it is only a starting point from where it spread to those on the low tables. 

Before any misinterpretation, we must say that it is not about the money but about the dignity. A thousand naira to plan an event with a telling effect on the forthcoming election in the election is a condemnable act. This is also not about crying foul, but about speaking against the untold political malady that locks itself in the heart of some. With the reputation that this organization had garnered from time immemorial, that amount to treat our guests is simply unacceptable for it is a slap on what this press organization stands for. Nowhere on this campus has such a beggarly amount been approved for press night and even if so, AFAS PRESS refuses to accept such.

If the situation is not remedied, AFAS Press would only commit herself to interviewing the aspirants. There is no way we could engage a handful of men and women for an entire evening and not treat them well. Perhaps, this is what he wants. After all, he has once said the press is culpable in how AFASites elected the present set of the executive council. His stand was that the aspirants passed through our screening without been labelled as incompetent. This is not absolutely true. As we have it at the national level, so we have it here. People oftentimes vote on personal interest irrespective of the objective stand of the press on the aspirants. However, that would not stop the press from doing what it is supposed to do until the process becomes right and each voter understands the importance of voting objectively. It could be understood that there has to a reasonable use of the fund of the association but to cut out the demand of the organization for the association’s press night with such disesteem only draws attention to the many political maladies in the legislative council.

AFAS Press is committed to serving the association without prejudice. But whenever there is a threat to the autonomy of the press, it is our duty as members of the press organization to flag it off and deal with it objectively without it being tagged the case of the wailing wailers. 

PUB 6/ OCTOBER 22, 2018.

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