By Olajide Oladokun

It seemed just like yesterday when some individuals spammed AFAS WhatsApp platforms with campaign pictures and stickers. It looked like a fortnight ago when they presented before us their manifestos, even though we all knew some of them were unrealistic. They promised heaven and earth just to get our votes which we did give to some of them. We christened some of them underdogs; hence they didn’t get our vote. However, it’s been over two months since the people we voted in assumed office and AFASITES are expectant, AFASITES want to get their rewards for voting them in, but it seems our executives are not in a hurry. Last week, an article was published by AFAS Press reminding the Sports Director of his promise to rejuvenate sports in AFAS. The beautiful piece didn’t sit well with some executive council members. While the sports director joked about it on his WhatsApp status, the social director engaged this writer in a heated argument, all in support of his fellow politician; his argument was solely based on timing. To him, the session just began; hence there’s no need to ‘police them.’ Jack Cornfield obviously had our social director in mind when he said, “The trouble is, you think you have time.”

To this effect, the following paragraphs are dedicated to our beautiful Vice President, Olajumoke Olorunfemi, to remind her of the vow she solemnly declared in the presence of all AFASITES, to remind her that posterity is watching and waiting to see if she will be better than her predecessor. At this point, I’ll urge you all to go with me as we scrutinize her plans.

Having spent three years in the Premier Faculty, Madam VP had discovered that most AFASITES are not aware of the provisions of the constitution. She took her time to study the 52 articles contained therein and came to the conclusion that they are worth knowing to AFASITES. Hence, she planned to create a compulsory 4-unit course, CON101, Introduction to AFAS Constitution, to intimate AFASITES with five articles each month. At the end of the course, ‘AFASITES will have a sense of belonging and consciousness and also help reduce political apathy in our association.’ Madam VP, this is the 4th week of resumption, (well, technically still three weeks) and you’ve not attended any class – your students are waiting for you to start the course. Oh! I forgot ASUU is on strike; AFASITES, let’s wait till the strike is aborted.

Madam VP promised to “speak with the faculty management about allowing the cleaners stay till 2 pm or 3 pm so as to keep watch of the use of toilet.” According to her, “Our faculty toilet has been tagged as one of the dirtiest faculty toilets in the whole of UI.” Where Madam VP got that data from is a story for another day; for now, let us focus on what she has done so far as regards our dirtiest-in-the-whole-of-UI toilets. Since resumption, the toilets continue to be a gory sight, just as Madam VP painted them. This begs the questions, has our VP spoken to the faculty management? What was their response? What should we expect? And perhaps, the VP has not reached out yet; this is a friendly reminder.

Moving further, I could remember hearing Madam VP’s sonorous voice saying, “I currently work with a tech company that sees to training young people on tech skills. The training is free! Also, I have connections with a tech firm which actively recruits people with tech skills and pays them a sizeable income.” I hope the connection has not been severed yet because I am interested in this, and I’m sure many AFASITES are too. Need I say the best time to do this is now? We all know you won’t have time for this, come second semester as you’ll be planning a glitz and glamour dinner by then.

If there is one thing I love about Madam VP, it is her commitment to the personal development of AFASITES. She is genuinely interested and has invested in the total growth of AFASITES. Ever since she assumed office, she has met alumni and other professionals in various fields, Jobberman inclusive. Very soon we’ll have a career talk and soft skills training. Am I speaking your mind, Madam VP? Or should I mind my business? Well, it became my business the moment you included it in your manifesto, after all, I am an AFASITE too.

Finally, Madam VP promised us that our voices will be heard and considered during her tenure. She promised to include us in the decision making process of the association and listen to our complaints. Isn’t that nice? Just a pity Madam VP hasn’t released any Monkey survey or Google form, she would have gotten my complaint already. I will make it public then, “The last time I went to AFAS reception, I couldn’t stay there for a long time because the AC wasn’t working. Kindly use your good office to do something about it.”

Dear Madam VP, this article is not in any form intended to attack you or your personality. It is just a call to duty, and a friendly reminder of your promises to AFASITES. It is therefore pertinent that you start early, so you can achieve most, if not all of your plans, and it will be said of you that you did your best in your service to AFASITES. On a final note, always remember the last line in your manifesto, “All these plans are achievable…”

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