House Set Up Adhoc Committee to Investigate Sports Director, Suspends Super 4 Cup

By Mahbubat Salahudeen
The Executive Council of the Association of Faculty of Arts Students (AFAS) in the plenary session held at Room 32, sent a letter to the AFAS Legislative Council informing the house of the council’s decision to suspend the Sports Director, Alawiye Isreal, a 300L student of Philosophy for lack of performance of office roles.
This letter was read at the plenary session and the house was requested to investigate the issue. According to the letter, the executive council claimed that the Sports Director has missed three (3) virtual and 3 physical executive meetings without prior notice, and the decision for the suspension was in line with article 38 of the AFAS constitution. The council maintained that such attitude of the Sports Director is ‘lackadaisical’ and that he showed no remorse.
The House, in a bid to carryout her oversight function, has setup an Adhoc Committee of three (3) members of the FLC to investigate the matter before a decision can be made. The committee has seven days to investigate the matter and during this period, the Sports Director is to vacate office and submit all properties of the association in his possession.
The House further decided that the Super 4 competition be on hold, pending the outcome of the investigation.