Michelle LaVaughun Robinson Obama was born on January 17, 1964 to Fraser Robinson III and Marian Shields.

She is a writer and American lawyer. She is married to the former President of the United States, Barack Obama and became the first Africa-American First Lady.  Michelle is a graduate of Princeton University before she proceeded to Harvard Law School. Her early legal career began at Sidley Austin, a law firm where she met her husband, Barack Obama whom she married to in 1992 and had two daughters.

She has delivered major speeches at the 2008 Democratic National Convention, 2012 Democratic Convention and the 2016 Democratic Convention where she supported the Presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton.

In 2009, Michelle was named Barbara Walters’ Most Fascinating person of the Year.

In April 2012, she and her husband were awarded the Jerald Washington memorial founders’ award by the national coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV)

In May 2014, she joined the campaign to bring back school girls who had been kidnapped in Nigeria. She tweeted a picture of herself with the hashtag #bringbackourgirls

Michelle is a model for women and she campaigns for poverty awareness, education, nutrition and fashion.


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