Annie Rowland 

The face is one of the most sensitive area of the body reason being that most people move about with the face uncovered, as a result, it is exposed to sun rays, toxic substances, dirt and sweat. The face is laced with many sweat and oil glands making it the most perspiration producing area after the armpit

Exfoliating is a skin care procedure that involves removing dead cells from the face using an exfoliator. It can be done using easily available natural ingredients from the kitchen or the market. One can make an easy face scrub at no exorbitant cost.

Baking soda mixed with a facial cleanser or just water does remove dead skin cells off the face. The mixture can be applied using a cotton wool, then left for five minutes and washed off with tepid water. It is great for eliminating black heads. It can also be used to whiten the underarms and teeth.

Oatmeal can be mixed with honey and milk or yoghurt and applied on the face in circular motion and washed off with lukewarm water. The milk helps draw out oil from the skin. Raw honey is an anti-bacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal. It reduces inflammation and destroys skin infections.

Sea salt combines well with coconut oil as an exfoliator. It also contains minerals that can revitalize the skin

Sugar works well when mixed into a paste of olive oil and rubbed on the face. 

Coffee as an exfoliator is a bit on the rough side and more suitable for tough skin. When mixed with oils exfoliating should be done regularly depending skin type.

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