By:- Poe
The Faculty of Arts recently, had her annual orientation programme for the newly admitted students. The event, housed in the walls of the faculty’s large lecture theatre, was graced by prominent individuals like the faculty’s dean, Professor Dasylva, the Sub Dean, the faculty’s legal advisor, and the other such notable individuals.
The president came up to give the opening speech. In his speech he thanked the dignitaries for making out time out of their very busy schedules to come for the orientation. He also thanked AFASITES for their presence, because without them, the orientation would not be entirely possible. He closed his speech with the fact that his administration requires the full force cooperation of all and sundry to ensure the smooth advancement of the organization.
Subsequently, the dean was invited for his speech. He admonished the new students to work round the clock if excellence is to be guaranteed. He beckoned on students to strike an adequate balance between their academic, social and religious life, paying more attention to the essence of their being in school. He also advised the students to abide by the rules and regulations of both the school, and the faculty, as failure to stand with this, would brook a crippling effect on the defaulters. He closed his speech with a clausal prayer, ‘listen and put into practice these words you’ve heard and your stay in the University of Ibadan would not be hiccupped’.
The sub dean also gave her admonition to the student. She accentuated principally on the type of friends the newly admitted students keep. As evil communication, corrupts good manners. Other dignitaries present in the orientation followed the same trend; their speech subject mattered on focus and determination as the basis for good success