As University students, we are bound to get insufficient hours of sleep. There are lots of assignments, extra curricula activities and also the things we do for personal development (side hustle). School work takes sleep away from our eyes. In a bid to catch up with school work, students read over night(till day break) and they end up getting just few hours of sleep. As teenagers, the right amount of sleeping hours is 8-10 hours of sleep while adults are supposed to get 7-9 hours of sleep. In this article, the reasons why we need sleep will be discussed, the benefits of sleep and also the tips on how to get a better sleeping schedule will be examined.
Zoning out or dozing off during the day
Lack of concentration and focus which leads one to lose track of lectures, reading and other activities one partakes in
Falling asleep easily and in any environment
Loss of energy which results in a sluggish attitude
Excessive blinking or yawning
Tripping or stumbling more than usual
Body aches and pains
Increased appetite
Sleep deprivation causes negative effects on the body system.
Not getting enough sleep prevents the body from strengthening its immune system and producing cytokines to fight infection. This means that one can take longer to recover from an illness and theres also the high risk of getting chronic diseases.
Inadequate sleep can affect hormone production, including growth hormones and testosterone in men.
Sleep helps the heart to heal and rebuild as well as affecting processes that maintain blood pressure, sugar levels and inflammation control. Not sleeping enough increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Lack of sleep can affect body weight. Two hormones in the body, leptin and ghrelin, control feelings of hunger and satiety, or fullness. The levels of these hormones are affected by sleep. Sleep deprivation also causes the release of insulin, which leads to increased fat storage and a higher risk of type two diabetes.
It helps reduce stress
Sleep improves the memory
Sleep helps in lowering blood pressure
Sleep helps in maintaining your weight by regulating the hormones that affect your appetite and reducing cravings for high calorie foods.
Sleep puts you in a good mood and your ability to stay calm, cool and reasonable is top notch
Sleep helps in sharpening ones focus and assimilation is fast.
Sleep enhances your creativity.
Sleep supports physical health by regulating metabolism and many other body functions.
Take regular naps of 15 to 40 minutes and also, avoid late naps.
Wake up at the same time every day.
Stay clear of all-nighters. Staying up all night decreases your ability to process and analyze information, so you may do worse on exams or assignments the next day. To best prepare your mind, get 7-9 hours of sleep, but even a few hours of sleep are better than none.
Create a positive sleep environment. Think cool, dark and quiet! Use thick curtains or an eye mask to block out light and a white noise machine or ear plugs to reduce noise.
Turn off screens 30-60 minutes before bed: Staring at your TV, computer, or tablet screen can disrupt your natural sleep-wake cycle and make it harder to fall asleep. If you cant turn off the tech, dim your screen, put your phone on silent, or use the Do not disturb option on your phone.
Be mindful of the kind of drinks you take into your body system. Both caffeine and alcohol can disrupt your sleep. Caffeine stays in your system for up to eight hours and can keep you awake. Alcohol, though it may make you feel drowsy, decreases sleep duration and quality.
As students, I do hope we realize that getting a good night sleep boosts our academic performance. We should try as much as possible to get at least 6 hours of sleep daily. Having sleepless nights will do us no good as we have already experienced one or two signs of insufficient sleep and its effects on our body and lifestyle.