Elizabeth Inda-John

This was me last week. I literally sat down and wept. I could literally hear my heartbeats, they sounded stressed. I looked at my account balance and let me tell you, more stress. Assignments and tests, stress raised to the power of a billion. I’m a Nigerian. That is the leading cause of my Stress. I thought of running away from my life, or even better still employing someone to live this life for me. It was way too much for me. Have you felt like this? Or currently feeling like this? You should probably read this to the end.

Stress is any emotional, psychological or physical tension caused by inward or outward factors. Stress happens to everyone at every level. It is what it makes us do that makes it terrible. Stress clouds your thinking, stress makes you highly vulnerable and can even make you do foolish things.

What causes stress? What is amazing is that some people don’t know what I’d like to call ‘stress triggers’. They know they are stressed, they feel it, what they don’t know is the why. There are countless stress triggers, for the sake of this article however, allow me to point out just three.

First is pressure. Being under pressure causes stress. Now you can understand why deadlines that have not been met would make you run mad. The pressure to make money, to make good grades, at the same time, feels like you’re running out of time. This would stress anyone truly.

Second on the list is worry. When you’re not at peace, you’ll be stressed. It’s inevitable. Lack of peace of mind is a major cause of stress.

Last on the list is uncertainty. It’s awesome sometimes, to be in a place of indecision, be on the fence, but it does cause stress.

The first step to getting ‘unstressed’ is to find out your triggers. Why am I stressed? What am I thinking about? Is this the issue? How can this be solved? Is this something worth my time? Is it worth my peace? Asking questions that would undoubtedly bring answers, is key to solving issues.

Next thing to do is take a break. I know it seems like it is impossible considering all the things stressing you but it won’t be solved truly if you do not take a break. How do you take a break from school? I’m sure you’re asking if I’m okay, do I want you to fail? Hold on okay? A break doesn’t mean a year, half a year, or a month. A break could be an hour. In that one hour out of 24 hours you have a day, have a date with yourself. This date could include dancing, singing, enjoying cool breeze, watching a movie, etc. Talk to yourself with affirmations of who you are. Write to yourself.

Last thing which must be done is to try your best to kill the stress trigger, this could mean implementing strategies to solve the issues that you’re plagued with. Taking baby steps is also Implementation, it doesn’t have to be large for you to know that stress is being killed.

Stress doesn’t have to kill you. Stress doesn’t have to weigh you down. This doesn’t mean that being down is bad, it’s sometimes good so that you don’t deceive yourself into thinking you’re the hulk. You’re too young to be stressed, refuse to be!

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