AFAS organizes freshers variety night for its freshmen


Opemipo Olukoga

As part of the line of events laid down to welcome freshmen on campus, the Association of the Faculty of Arts (AFAS), Friday, holds a variety night.

This social event doubles as a moment to decide the next face of Mr & Miss AFAS in the faculty.

The event was held at the Faculty’s Large Lecture Theatre (LLT) and created a fun arena for these freshmen despite the ongoing ASUU and NASU warning strike.

Contestants appeared on the stage to dazzle Afasites with their talents. Afterward, the contestants dressed in native regalias, came out to represent and celebrate their cultures. Also, a pageantry session was staged by the contestants.

Abasi-Akan was crowned Mr. AFAS and Stella as Miss AFAS 2022.

Other activities that are featured are; music performances from upcoming artists, comic performances from comedians, and more.

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