You Really Know what feminism is?


By Anuoluwapo Enilolobo

For centuries women’s sole duty to society was to birth heirs. As a woman back then, your worth was determined by how good of a match you make with a man. Women couldn’t vote, couldn’t own property or money, and women were seen as second-class citizens; the weaker and unintelligent sex. Girls were born for the sole purpose of being married off to men. Girls couldn’t go to school or have a say in the affairs of society. It was like this everywhere in the world.

But everything changed when a star was born in 1759. This girl dared to dream and want more out of life. She was a farmer’s daughter who had a vision that revolutionized the world. What was her vision? A world, free of bias against women, a world where women are respected and equal to men. Naturally, society considered this vision outrageous and ridiculous; both men and women alike; as is usually the case with foreign concepts. But this was the wish of a girl, a woman, a mother. A girl who deserved a better life, who also deserved to have a choice in her fate. A woman who has seen so many women like her struggle, be belittled, abused, and ignored. A mother who wanted the best life possible for her daughter. Unfortunately, this woman died shortly after childbirth but not before leaving a piece of herself and her legacy for her daughter to embrace the better life she envisioned.

“Death may snatch me from you before you can weigh my advice or enter into my reasoning: I would then, with fond anxiety, lead you very early in life to form your grand principle of action, to save you from the vain regret of having, through irresolution, let the spring-tide of existence pass away, unimproved, unenjoyed. Gain experience- ah gain it- while experience is worth having and acquire sufficient fortitude to pursue your own happiness….”

This amazing woman was Mary Wollstonecraft; the mother of feminism. The mother and daughter spearheaded one of the most monumental movements in humanity; the feminist movement.

What is feminism? Feminism at its core is about fighting gender inequality in the world. It seeks to bring about a world where men and women have equal opportunities for growth and life. Feminists like Gloria Steinem, Simone De Beauvoir, and the like, have achieved a lot all these years. There is no best feminist in the world because it is through the collective effort of millions of men and women that “the girl child” today can have an education. She has a voice, she speaks and society listens, she has rights, she has choices, and she is free.

However, despite all feminism has accomplished, many people are misinformed about “feminism.” As Chimamanda Adichie said, “feminism is associated with the most extreme versions of it.” When one brings up the word feminism, or declares, “I am a feminist!”; most people lock up their minds and look at the person differently. Some people even sneer at feminists and try to shame them or talk them out of their insane beliefs. Feminists are seen as women who hate men or the concept of motherhood. A very heart-breaking scenario is that of an American female pastor preaching against feminism to her congregation in a viral video on the internet this morning. She said that feminism teaches women to hate motherhood and matrimony and to see them both as burdens to be rid of. And her congregation listened attentively and reacted in acceptance of what she said as the ugly truth.

That pastor chose to forget that the primary reason she was able to stand on that stage and talk with seeming intelligence was that feminists fought for her future. They paved the way for this generation and the future generations of women to have voices and choices of their own. Because of the ignorance of influential people like the pastor, people make up their minds to dislike the notion of feminism.

Feminism at its core is about fighting against gender inequality. Do you really know what feminism is? If not, why not Google it, many archives on the internet discusses feminism at length. Why not find out for yourself?

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