Oluwapelumi King

Uneasiness, restlessness and in a way, awkward silence filled the room. How dare they? How dare they publish something against power? A chief seated on the far end of the room muttered under his breath. They, the power chiefs and brokers and some of their supporters had gathered for an emergency meeting after a “scandalous”, “libelous”, and “defamatory” article (at least what they saw it as) was published on the Obiligbo papers. Something had to be done.

Obifo, a sometimes-husky man with a croaky voice, stood up as if to address the room “You all know the reason we called this meeting. It is in regards to the slanderous, libelous publications on the papers. That article threatens our hegemony, power, status and hold in this town. How dare they! These common people write that article? Let me say it here, the article really upset our lordship, he is even preparing a rejoinder but we all know the rejoinder won’t be enough which is why we called these meetings. I am going to leave this open to the house, which has the suggestion on the way forward.”

Kikifan, a stout man who liked attention, stood up to speak, his head held up to fully bask the moment. He then started “I think the way forward is simple. These methods have always worked and will always work. Even in the larger republik which we are also a part of, it has worked seamlessly. The best way forward is to attack the newspaper and the journalist that wrote it. It should be a coordinated attack starting with the rejoinder. Our statements should not in any way address the issue, it is not our business, he said whilst wearing a sarcastic smile, but attack the Obiligbo and their journalists. That’s all”

The whole room seemed to be excited with the suggestions as there were loud applause and consenting nods and sounds from most people. Are there any more suggestions? Obifo asked again.

Obasan, a newbie hoping to show the ropes, stood up to speak, “Gentlemen, I think we are overreacting here. We should ask ourselves these questions; is the article factual? Is the issue valid? What can we do to react to the article in a way it reflects positively on us? We should be careful so we do not end up shooting ourselves in the foot and lose our supporters”. Silence enveloped the room as they were too shocked to speak. How dare he? The shock gradually began to wear off and then there were mutterings.

Mabka, looking as though he was ready to fight a bull look here “Obasan, are you trying to say we are dumb, unintelligent, and foolish? Are you trying to prove yourself wiser than us and his supreme lordship? You talk about our supporters; our supporters will believe whatever we tell them.” At this point, there were mild applauses, emphatic nods, consenting hmms and yes coming from all sides of the room. Mabka continued when it simmered down a little, “look here Obasan, let me educate you, it is a case of the facts vs the truth and the truth is whatever we say it is. Why? Because we have power, real power which they don’t have. If we release a rejoinder stating what Obiligbo papers published is wrong, our rejoinder becomes true and the article false. To our supporters, they automatically become beacon of misinformation and backyard journalism because we have the power. You know what, the rejoinder does not even have to make sense, be logical, and be full of reason. I mean how many of them actually read it with sense and reasoning he said while snickering, they will still believe it regardless as long as it is from us. Remember, the most prominent of our supporters have managed to spread hatred amongst the others against the Obiligbo papers. Our work is easy now. You talk as though you are on their side, or are you? If you are not then we do not want to hear that statement again”.

Applause, standing ovation and then hailing; “Mabka spoke SENSE, he is really wise.”

Obasan pondered whether to argue further or change sides but realized both will be pointless. It is better to be on the side of power than on the side of those who get battered, insulted and defamed by people in power. Moreover, he wanted power, power to influence right thinking people to abandon logic and reasoning and make them think whatever he wants think and always support his side. That, to him, was real power and to be fair, who would not want real power in the republik?

MAGA- In the Nigerian context means someone who is not SMART to what is happening to him or her.

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