Capital Projects: The Immortality of Executives

Inda-John Elizabeth and Francis Ikuerowo
Capital projects can be defined as long-term high-value projects which improve upon or start a building, construction, plant, etc. They are long-term projects that transcend political terms or tenures. In mainstream politics, many honourables, local government chairmen, even Governors, and Presidents tend to embark on capital projects, a legacy in terms of material to leave behind and stand as a symbol/some symbol of their stay in office.
In a student environment, capital projects can be referred to as projects carried out by the Executive Council. This can be the maintenance of past projects like projectors, chairs, Nescafe Garden, AFAS executives office, refurbishing classrooms or it could be the building of new projects.
Student leaders often embark on capital projects in order to leave an indelible imprint for their tenure and the incoming executive council. In the records, it will be said that it was during his/her time that this was done. As recently as the last session, the past executive of the department of communication and language arts (ACLAS) renovated the library as part of their capital projects. Just recently, the executive council of the Faculty of Science announced their capital project. It can even be observed that some of the facilities around the faculty, even in halls, were done by the Executive council of the past as part of their capital project.
Without a doubt, to lead effectively, money is needed. Even if more money is needed for a student body, the money needed can be solicited from potential sponsors, alumni even to some extent, the faculty management. For the capital project the Executive council’s main idea can be supported by other bodies if need be.
Several administrations have come and gone without any valid capital projects. What has been seen, in recent times, at the end or towards the tail end of administrations are controversies and conflicts. The Eniola Moses-led administration is still in some ways embroiled in the controversy regarding the dinner and packages for Afasites.
There are several realistic projects the Executive can take on. For instance, the boards in several lecture rooms are not functional and need replacement. Besides, most chairs and fans are already in moribund conditions. This kind of learning environment predisposes the students to learn under intense stress.
Creating a conducive learning environment is an altruistic affair and it spurs effective learning. If the executives can prioritize fixing them, especially the boards, chairs, and fans, thereby leaving a lasting legacy, it will seem truly an altruistic affair and the members of the executives can have their tenure written on gold.
Apart from the fact that it immortalizes them, in the sense that every person that eventually comes in would know that this project was done by the particular executives.
It shows patriotism, love, and thoughtfulness toward the society that you lead. In the sense that, they see a problem and do not just overlook it.
Capital projects also show excellent leadership because, at the base of it, leadership is solving problems in society, so maintaining or installing solutions in the society goes a long way, as that is the right way to serve. As Saaif Alam said “If you want to serve your respective community, focus on utilizing real leadership to better others’ quality of life and put politics aside so your constituents can look up to you. Your legacy is what matters the most more than a title of your leadership position.”