Motolani Ogunyemi

We, the children of this world have tampered with the ozone layer and now we don’t understand what exactly is going on. I guess the weather is female (no shade to my gender) because it seems to have a lot of mood swings and change its mind, because aren’t we supposed to be in the rainy season? What kind of scorching sun is up there, trying so hard to melt away the first layer of a human being’s skin? Then all of a sudden, you see the clouds gather and you start to pray for the rain to fall so that the heat can evaporate. But as the female that the weather is, it either doesn’t rain at all, or it sprinkles water on the ground: a cunning way to turn up the heat.

Whether it is blazing hot or raining in torrents, you should not be battling with books and these elements; something that cannot talk should not be smarter than you. Regardless of the weather, you should take adequate care of yourself, as a lot of people tend to fall ill at this period. Here are ways to outsmart the indecisive weather:

  • Always carry an umbrella: Whether it is raining or sunny, you have nothing to lose.
  • Eat healthy: Fruits and vegetables will do you a lot of good. A lot of fruits are now in season; incorporate them into your meals.
  • Stay hydrated: Substitute alcoholic or sugary drinks with water. Water helps to reduce calories, improves your skin and gives you a youthful look.
  • Rest: Give yourself a break, sleep when you should. Adequate sleep improves your memory and performance, helps you to maintain a healthy weight and boosts your immunity.
  • Wear sunglasses and sunscreen: The sun is not nice. Don’t leave your house without protecting yourself against it.
  • On the other hand, get some sunlight: Your skin produces Vitamin D when exposed to the sun, which is good for bone health.
  • Wear proper clothing: Wear warm and bright shades like cream, yellow, red, clearer browns and orange. Also wear light and comfortable clothing that is capable of protecting you, come rain, come shine.

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