FLC Passes Co-option Bill to Law

Oluwatosin Adeoye
The Faculty Legislative Council has passed the bill to co-opt members from the 100 level constituency to the Hallow chamber into law in her sitting held on Friday 10th January, 2025.
The bill proposed that the membership of the Legislative Council be expanded with the inclusion of students from the 100-level Constituencies but the recommendations overruled it, hence, only 200-level to 400-level students are viable to be members of the Faculty Legislative Council.
The second provision of the bill was that the Executive Council should not have any co-opted member in the FLC as against the provision for 2 co-opted members in the constitution. This was adjusted to; the executive council will have only one co-opted member in the Legislative Council who will have not voting right.
The motion for the bill to be passed to law was moved by Hon. Daniel seconded by Hon. Oluwadunsi with the clause that all recommendations and resolutions from the house must be effected in the copy presented to the president for signing.