AFAS FLC Addresses AFASites on Package and Souvenir Distribution Issues

Oluwatosin Adeoye
The Association of Faculty of Arts Students (AFAS), Faculty Legislative Council, has assured AFASites that they will receive their annual package after the inconsistencies have been rectified.
The AFAS FLC made this announcement in a release titled “AFAS PACKAGE AND SOUVENIR’, affirming that “The FLC approved the budget for the package and souvenirs to make sure AFASites get their package and souvenirs”.
The FLC stated that the AFAS Package and Souvenirs distribution had been ordered to be on hold. In the release, the FLC asserted that “the House approved a budget for 750 copies of customised books but only 712 copies were produced. In addition to that, the House approved a budget for 750 cups but the Investigative Probe Panel was able to confirm 742 cups with, a cup without cover and two broken covers, leaving us deficit in both the books and the cups.”
Adding that “the executive council failed to include the names of the FLC members and their constituencies. There are two organs of govt constitutionally recognised by the Faculty, the executive and the legislative. Just like the names of the executive council are added, so should the names of the legislative council be included because both exist to ensure the smooth running of the Association and not just one”.
The release reiterated that “The House needs to thoroughly look into these irregularities for the sake of integrity, solidarity, well-being and prosperity of our Association”.