Promises in the Air: A Reality Check on Mojuba’s Manifesto

Lawal Maruf
The reign of the Team New Era, led by its convener, Adeniyi Olamilekan, Mojuba, is gradually tilting towards the end. Nonetheless, the pages of his plans intended to assuage the aches of AFASites must be carefully diagnosed. As a candidate whom all odds seemed to truncate his ambition during and after the election, one should expect nothing but all his promises fulfilled.
The fusion of his vision and mission birthed his “FEE” agenda – “Funding A.F.A.S, Empowering A.F.A.S, and Equipping A.F.A.S.” In his first 100 days in office, AFAS Press has highlighted his achievements in office while much more was still to be done before his administration wraps up.
Due to the financial struggles that have continuously stalled the pace of development in AFAS, Adeniyi Olamilekan promised to establish “AFAS VENTURES” by partnering with a company that specialises in the production of student commodities, thereby stimulating growth and development. However, this initiative has remained elusive and suffered major setback. Under this plan, Mojuba planned to leverage partnership with Dufil Company, a company that produces Indomie,by entrusting Mike Okiro to them to be renovated and used as a store where it would bring a specific percentage to the association on every sale made. But this too has diffused into the thin air.
When questioned about the issues surrounding AFAS VENTURES, he maintained that he facilitated a partnership with TB-TECH Company on his assumption of office in which the association realised #10,000 within two days from the partnership. “ On AFAS VENTURES, the association partnered with a particular company- TB- TECH, the company sells students’ commodities like beddings, pillows, and other things. The company also does payment of school fees and printing.” Adeniyi Olamilekan explained. “The Treasurer and the Co-opted member were in charge of the partnership and we were able to realise over #10,000. That is, for every student client that patronised the company, we received a certain percentage.”
The whole idea began to crumble when clouds of controversy gathered around the initiative. AFAS FLC had written a letter to the executive requesting a clear-cut explanation on AFAS VENTURES but the response from the executive council was too ambiguous to be understood, making the initiative to go down the drain. According to AFAS President, Adeniyi Olamilekan, he noted that “ it was only a request to make explicit the meaning of the AFAS VENTURES which we did with a clause that we should be notified if we are going to continue with it but no response was forthcoming.” To avoid the case of financial impropriety, he said the executive council reached a consensus that the initiative should be laid to rest. “ Since it is about money which can easily implicate the executive, I told the other members of the executive that we should suspend the initiative.” He further explained.
Also, as part of his plans to strengthen the financial position of AFAS, He promised to purchase projector, screen, and Public Address System with the aim of renting it out to generate revenue for the association. However, this still remains far from a reality. In its stead, his administration has only repaired the Public Address System previously procured by the previous administration. “ We met two faulty PA System in the faculty and we were able to repair the two but only one later functions.” He stated. On getting a projector for the faculty, he said that he had already met with an individual who was ready to donate it to the association but in the long run he was discouraged by the reactions from the FLC. “ it is because so called representatives of students were ready to probe us on what is not necessary to do
In a bid to rescue indigent students who cannot afford to pay their school fees and shield them from losing their studentship, Adeniyi Olamilekan promised to facilitate a bursary program by reaching out to some lecturers within the faculty and some philanthropists. However, the plan did not materialise as the administration’s effort miss the intended target. According to the President, he said “We were hoping that we are going to get sponsors for the bursary. We sent out letters and we were able to realise over #200,000.” He explained. Looking at the outrageous hike in school fee in the beginning of this session and the amount realised, “the executive council decided that the money is insufficient to fund the bursary program.”
Mojuba further explained that the money realised from the bursary program was later channelled to fund the distribution of exam package to AFASites and their transportation to DLC for the GES examinations in the first semester. “The circumstances worked against the initiative” Mojuba noted. “The money was later used for the distribution of exam package and transportation to DLC for GES examinations. More than 200 students were conveyed to DLC and 100 students benefited from the distribution of exam package.”
Adeniyi Olamilekan promised to organise AFAS Heritage Scholarship Award to ‘create a groundbreaking social event’ within AFAS. According to him, necessary plans have been put in place for the event to kickstart. The committee in charge has been constituted since the inception of the administration. “plans are underway to organise the scholarship award”. He stated. In a bid to corroborate his claim, he showed this reporter the template questions of the historical events of the association on his phone. Adeniyi Olamilekan gave an assurance of the plan coming to reality but a cloud of doubt still hovers over its feasibility, given that AFASites will be writing examinations in a couple of weeks to come.
In a faculty where there is no record of organising a public speaking event, Adeniyi Olamilekan promised to harness the evolving talents and sharpen the public speaking skills of those who possess the potentials by organising Intra-Departmental Oratory Competition, creating avenue for students to fine-tune their public speaking skills. However, the plan is stuck in the pipeline because the major partner – Faculty of Arts Literary & Debating Society- is yet to come up with a clear-cut response about the competition. “ I have informed them to prepare the budget for the competition since the first semester”. Adeniyi Olamilekan stated. However it appears that “ The L&D President is still deliberating on it.” But to Mr President, “the feasibility is sure, we still have the whole of February”.
Although, the President promised to “foster cooperation and strengthen internal administrative relationships within the Faculty”, the relationship between the executive and the FLC has suffered a strained relationship and witnessed an episodes of “cold-war” brewing between the two arms.
When questioned about the relationship between the executive and the FLC, He acknowledged that though there have been “disputes”, but the two arms have always been able to douse the tension and reach a consensus in order to advance the progress of the association. “ We cannot take away dispute in any relationship but the only thing that matters is ensuring resolution to have a strong and healthy relationship”. However, any conscious observer of AFAS Politics would doubt the acclaimed cooperation and healthy administrative relationship between the executive arm and the FLC.
Adeniyi Olamilekan’s manifesto also featured plan to provide functional extension boxes for charging gadgets at the Nescafe Garden to “alleviate stress for AFASites”. But the plan has been stifled by bureaucratic bottleneck because it has to be facilitated through the institution’s maintenance department. “ We cannot do anything like electricity without the school management”.
When questioned on the reason the plan had not been executed, the President mentioned that all the necessary things had been put into place as he had reached out to the representative of NESCAFE and submitted the paperwork to the Sub-Dean. According to him, the plan is to renovate the whole place as another brand is “ready to renovate the place but it is subjected to the approval of the Dean.”
However, despite the groundwork that has been laid down, it is far from reality that anything tangible will be done to facelift NESCAFE Garden when the President noted that “ it seems that the process will continue in the next administration.”
While it is laudable for political aspirants to plan on an initiative that would be impactful to the students, the intention must not be bereft of elements of reality, honesty and feasibility . It is not uncommon to see politicians make empty promises in a bid to garner the votes of the student electorates. Political aspirants should blend their initiatives with decisive steps and channel it into feasibility. It is not mandatory for political aspirants when preparing their manifestos to include “white elephant projects” which may never see the light of the day. The significant concerns and the recurrent challenges facing the students demand drastic action. Also, there should be a swift decision-making process as bureaucratic excesses not only hamper the pace of development but also affect the welfare of the students.
To achieve any initiative, there should be an alternative. Future political aspirants should develop a foresight on imminent failure of their plan in order to devise another means of bringing it to reality. Behind every failed plan and unfulfilled promise lies a soul with a dashed hope.