AFAS FLC Approves Dinner Budget as AFAS Week Gets Scrapped


Lawal Maruf

The Faculty of Arts Legislative Council approved the amount of #1,047,000 (One Million and Forty Seven Thousand Naira) for the AFAS Dinner.

Following the presentation of the AFAS Week and AFAS Dinner budgets by the AFAS Vice President, Oshotse Jane, in a plenary sitting held on Friday, January 24, 2025, the house set aside the plan to have AFAS Week this session, citing the financial struggles of the association.

However, the house singled out “Variety Night,” one of the events in the proposed budget for AFAS Week and merged it with the budget for AFAS Dinner.

Moving the motion for the approval of the budget, Hon Yeboah Daniel added some clauses that must be met before the money is released. He stated that “a total number of 150 people should be met”

He also maintained that “All funds that needed to be returned for example, Money for food and other refundables be refunded to the association’s account and the money realised from the sales of forms to the contestants of the Video Night be refunded.”

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