The first semester departed before our very eyes even though some were still in it while the second semester started. For many who started this journey about four years ago in this faculty, this is the last semester they had anticipated. And for others, this session is an end to the beginning of another academic session.
While AFAS PRESS uses this medium to welcome all back to school, we also use this opportunity to remind everyone that this is another opportunity to appraise our commitments. Everyone anticipates a wonderful second semester as there will be a lot of activities like excursions, cultural nights, dinner parties, and so on. However, we must not lose sight of our primary assignments. This is a special admonition to everyone to keep giving all it takes to maintain the studentship status irrespective of other engagements within or without the campus. It is a good thing that many students have embraced entrepreneurship in order to deal with the disappointments of life-after-school brought about by the cluelessness of leadership in the educational sector and the nation at large but it should not be at the detriment of the primary assignment here.
To the finalists, nothing helps by blaming the government for whatever await you at the end of your journey here. While you have to be on guard for your results without leaving any stone unturned, you must not forget the need to prepare yourselves for the realities ahead. For many, being in school is an insurance. What are your plans for this insurance cover that is about to be terminated?
At this point too, the AFAS executive members must retrace their clueless tracks. The Isaac Lijadu-led administration should note that almost nothing has been fulfilled out of their numerous promises. Save for the piggy bank which has been occupying space in the AFAS office, the purchase of buckets and other cleaning equipment, AFASites are yet to enjoy anything different since your leadership emerged. It is rather unfortunate within the last two to three sessions that as baton of leadership changes, our dear association loses its accolades as the most prestigious faculty in the first and the best university in the sub-Saharan Africa.
Awake from your Slumber,Mr PRO.
What has happened to AFAS IMAGE Magazine? Just like last session, are we going to overlook the need to retain and promote our dear faculty of letters? Without meaning to engage in any business of comparing this faculty to another, it is a shame and a slap on the face of every AFASite if other faculties successfully publish magazines every session but we are unable to.
Isaac Lijadu, where is the functionality of your S.A.W.F.T? The president needs to begin to let out his unique plans for AFASites. Has he not spent enough time cooking? It seems the president, just like every other member of his administrations is wandering about in the wilderness. Mr President needs to let the Moses in him out; AFASites do not want to blame themselves for voting for a man who emulates the clueless leadership style of the outside world. It is our hope that the feeling of disillusionment expressed by almost all, will not be total and will be corrected soon.
Mr Social Director, how well did you enhance the academic prowess of AFASites last semester?
We hope you have been working towards diversifying the resources which AFAS has? AFASites wants to see the quadrangle come alive. Remember sir, you promised to boost the social atmosphere, invite entrepreneurs to come and sell their stuffs at the quadrangle…Show us Mr Social Director, show us! Let your plans come alive.
Welcome back, Mr General Secretary.
We hope you utilized your suspension for doing the needful? Now, you must be ready to ensure that decency is maintained with the use of the office, beware of any act of negligence and ineptitude that may put you in the bad books of the Faculty Legislative Council (FLC). And to the other executive members, it is high time you returned to your manifestoes. It is not too late to rewrite the situation.
To the legislative council, AFAS Press uses this opportunity to appreciate their efforts towards ensuring that this association does not fail. We urge you to keep standing for that which brings about progress for the association and nothing else.
In conclusion, our hope is that this second half of the session brings academic greatness and joy into the hearts of all. We sincerely appreciate the attention of our readers so far. We can only promise to serve you better with your unparalleled cooperation in all aspects. It should be known that we also are on the training field currently and we can only become masters of the game if you play your own role well by not always seeing the press as being perfect and toothless barking dog. No criticism should be discarded in its totality; to every rumour circulated, there is an iota of truth embedded therein. You are welcome back to school.
PUB 1/ September 17, 2018.