GISTY ME by Olasupo Oluwatumininu


Hey there, glad you’re reading this! This is probably your first time of checking out this board or not, either ways I am so glad I get to share my thoughts on things with you all this session. Are you ready?

It’s 2019!

It’s 21st Century Yes!

Advocates of gender equality have fought a long time battle and in the long run, equality for both sexes is now on the increase as against societal construct. Females, in particular, are now allowed to go to school and obtain degrees as much as they want.

All sexes are allowed to run for high and low political positions.!

Now all you have to do is be 16 years or more, have a goal(s), motivated, pass all the necessary examinations and voila! you’re at the UNIVERSITY!

But while all these things are exciting, the great idea of being free and independent in the school community can be overwhelming and sway us away from our core purpose of being in school- the major influencer which is peer pressure.

Being a newly admitted student into a University environment, and finding a group of friends to tag with, is one that sometimes rips one of logical thinking. We want to tag along with the best Cliques and not considering the kinds of people that make up such clique. An association with the wrong set of people would certainly push us to do things that are wrong.

I want to talk about all the things people usually feel the pressure to do or make major decisions but who am I kidding…you probably know more than I do!

You might have heard stories from older ones and parents advice not to join “Bad Gangs” so you want to do right by taking a decision not to join the ones that party and dedicate all your time instead to fellowships or you decide to join the ones that party and “Ball” and not go to fellowship or go once in a while. Or be like me and sit on the fence and just flow with how you’re feeling… Confused right?

It all boils down to making the right decisions and knowing what your priorities are in school which includes: making good grades, networking and acquiring a different sort of learning from extracurricular activities.

It can be easy to avoid implicating issues or carryovers and not face SDC  and it can be otherwise, it all boils down to one thing YOU!

You can determine who you want to be,  get to pick your electives, get to pick what you wear, get to decide how you want to talk! how you want to act, where you want to go, eat.Do all of this, ALL BY YOURSELF!

I mean sure, half of the time you may ask your parents or older ones for advice but let’s face it there are times when it’s just going to be just you! YOU to make all the decisions and determine what happens to your life!

It could be your first year, second year, third or final year…what are YOU going to do to make things right! Something to think about and most importantly work on!


Try to have a hitch-free Semester and Session!

Welcome to the Faculty of Arts

Welcome to the Faculty of Arts Press Board

And Welcome to the University of Ibadan.

I hope you had a good read!


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