By Ola Afolasade

Keeping a spotless face is the perfect goal for any lady as her beauty is firstly determined on what she looks on the outside (the face). Naturally, most ladies do not grow beards or chin hair and a second we begin to spot strands popping out, panic and insecurity begin to sway in. Unconsciously we begin to delve in moments trying to forcefully pitch those strands out with our fingernails. There will be attempt to have it cut or shaven just to avoid those feelings. Shavings of course, do not cause hair to grow back but it cause a stubble and not everyone is into that. Worries about keeping a good facial appearance creeps in all over again.

Face it guys, you are probably going to have a girlfriend or a wife that is going to grow facial hair one day, so there is no need to feel any sort of disgust or irritation. This article affects you as much as it affects her but it is most times nothing to worry about. Facial hair crops up during pregnancy, but women can also sprout some stumble doing their menstrual cycle and as they age. So there is no serious cause for alarm in that case. A few hairs on the chin according to medical practitioners are just part of the deal for most women. They may be unwanted, but usually they are only visible when we look closer at the mirror.

However, a chin growth could be an indicator of health problems. It becomes a health problem when more than the occasional stray strand pops up and this condition here is called Hirsutism, which is a condition that sees women grow stiffer, darker body hair in atypical spots. Hirsutism isn’t something dangerous but is a sign that something may be amiss. If facial hair growth comes on very strong, suddenly increases rapidly, or doesn’t just seem to make sense based on family history, it could also be a case of an underlying medical condition like adrenal cancer.

However, here are other reasons that could be attributed to chin hair. They Include:

Unbalanced Hormones—hormones can sometimes be the explanation over the abnormal functioning of our body, chin hair inclusive. This could be borne out an overabundance of male sex hormones, called androgens.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome— Shortened to PCOS is a condition that has a profound impact on reproductive health and hormones. Chin hair is not only the sign that emerges here but it is twinned with symptoms such as irregular problems, trouble loosing weigh, infertility, and sometimes ovarian cysts.

Cushing syndrome— Excess Chin hair can also be linked this syndrome according to the National Adrenal Diseases Foundation, which is triggered by too much of the stress hormone cortisol. In this situation, the adrenal glands could either be producing too much on their own, or their production is being accelerated by certain arthrisis or asthma medications.

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia— some chin hair might be caused this condition which is typically diagnosed at birth. It is extremely rare but is however another reason for chin hair.

Pregnancy or birth control—Pregnancy most certainly always has an impact on women bodies and one of this could be an excessive chin hair growth which is nothing to worry about in pregnant women. It is usually temporary.

Whether an unwanted chin hair is a sign of something harmful or not, you might just want to get rid of it. The easiest way to remove it is by simply plucking it, bleaching or waxing it but talking to a dermatologist may help you prevent it rather than seeking out a cure. Many women opt for hair removal options like tweezing and waxing. Laser hair removal has increased in popularity in recent years, but may not be the most practical choice for busy individuals. In some instances, doctors can prescribe prescription pills and topical medications to mitigate growth and there’s always an option of taking it to the chin. A Chin hair problem may not be a serious problem after all at the end!


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