Your words are coats of power.


You wear them

in distending layers of authority


and everyone falls and



ble s

under the Kilimanjaro

of your onionrable weight.


Powerful Onionrable Picker!


Your tongue wears

the shape of the planet Earth—

a sweet prison raping its subjects in bits.


A stony onion you are:

Gra du ally,

you blunt the edges of

the hoes that made your heaps.


You craft your own gavel

and, in it, growing ghosts of spites

roam like madmen in a sweltering desert.


Ever-right Onionrable Picker, sir!


Do not pick these words

with a glowering heart or a mind

that burns like Brother Sango’s eyes.


I am but one of your subjects.

I praise you in the name of power,

that brewery of intoxication

that steals senses from the best of men.


Do take my bow,

for here I am before your lordship—

myself, a camel with stretched neck,

poised for a drink from the lips

of your lord-ful river.


Onionrable Picker the Most Powerful!


You are powerful, sir!

You are onionrable, sir!

You are the Goliath!


You pick and fling

the threats that blight your self-ful goals.


Take my bow!




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