Just recently, four principal officers, including the speaker, Mr. Peter Olagunju, of the Faculty of Arts’ Legislative Council  have resigned from their various positions, and their resignations have  made some Afasites to be left to look in bewilderment as they do not know the reason(s) for such resignations.

But it is imperative to say that, if we want  to know why, we should cast our minds back to the time when there was free-for-all between the legislative and the executive members of the association. It began with the request from the FLC that the executives should  vacate AFAS  Secretariat; then to the deliberation of the untallied figures of the Fresher’s Welcome budget, to the sudden impeachment of AFAS president, Mr. Daniel Anagwaonye . It is therefore justifiable to say that Afasites have thus far been watching different games of politicking acted by their representatives.

Let us take a bow for our dearest  representatives, who has been showcasing the talents inherent in every politicians of Nigeria in their politicking. Truly, we are in Nigeria and politics has always been said to be a dirty game. AFAS politicians just like the Bukola Sarakis and Dino Melayes hide not their desires in bringing out the beauty of the dirtiness of politics.

That said, congratulations to Hon. Olumide Osinuga as the new speaker of the Faculty Legislative Council, we hope he restore the lost glory of the house and debunk the notion that  “AFAS FLC is a joke”.

When an issue frequently springs up, it calls for a special attention, as, if not well tackled as and when due, may build suspicion which may afterwards resort to hullabaloo. During the time the FLC delayed the approval of the Fresher’s Welcome budget, all that could be heard from the mouth of Afasites was that the FLC are at it again. Then all became apparent when the figures were made public. This time the voice has changed, the previous tone was subdued and one could hear whispers like “This executives sef”. All of these make some Afasites opined that the former Speaker, Peter Olagunju and the President, Daniel Anagwaonye, had a personal grudge which birthed a mutual distrust between them.

As if  FLC and the executives are playing football and the first to score gets to strike first. The executives knew they have the public on their side, which has been proven from all of the congress held just to overule the decisions made by the FLC, and the FLC knew they have the legislative power and so they both set their players, choose a decisive formation that suits them and play on. Pandemonium then ensued as the FLC scored to the net of their opponent and subsequently  President was made to bear the brunt of shame and thus he was removed from the team. This brought another uproar that “simple can never be impeached” as he has the  backings of Afasites. On the other hand,  Honourable members claimed they represented Afasites and everything later turned out to be  ‘the clash of representation’.

Interestingly, the banquet is not over. Whilst every other persons were busy thinking of what date they would resume, four principal officers of the legislative council decided they would call it quit on their legislative duty. Reasons for resignation remain unknown hitherto and many Afasites were thrown into the deep pool of thought as they wonder just why these honourables resigned from their respective duties. But two things are apparent: either they are  tired of politicking or they are not. Whichever way, politics has taken place. This was against the backdrop of an issue raised concerning the money which was allegedly said to have been collected by the deputy clerk and some principal officers  but which was not part of the house budget.  Having tried to find a rationale with the reason given for the usage of the money which was released as a result of an order from “the Oga at the top”, Afasites were gobsmacked by the news that greeted their faces, welcoming them to the new semester.

Now that we all have grown accustomed to the ‘game of politics’ played out by Afas politicians, all we have to do is to sit back, relax and enjoy the skills of our political actors.


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