In this interview, Dark Gold talks about his life and music career.

Afas Press: Can we meet you?

Gold: My name is Gold Gamaliel Adeyinka, I’m am popularly referred to as DarkGold or the Rap Prof. I’m a musician; composer, singer song writer, and Rapper. I was the pageantry winner (MR AFAS) for the 2016/2017 academic session. I dabble sometimes into public speaking and I have represented my faculty several times at public speaking events. I love animals. I have two pet cats named Catherine and Castiel.

Afas Press: What is your course of study and what level?

Gold: I’m a student of the Music Department. I’m in my fourth year

Afas Press: Impressive! How did you find Music through the first three years?

Gold: It’s what I’ve always wanted to do—from Waec through jamb. I really wanted to get into the nitty-gritty of music beyond my talent. My three years was discovering myself further within the music world. You could say that I am the product of that refinement.

Afas Press: I must agree you love this, with all the music titles you’ve gotten. With your enthusiasm and love for music, can you say Music is working for you?

Gold: Definitely. There’s no better recipe for success than when you have a person who loves what they do and happens to be very good at it. I have had a lot of my projects have mainstream success. It’s a great reaffirmation of my goals and ambitions. So yes, I could say I am heading somewhere.

Afas Press: What future plans do you have in music?

Gold: In this line of work, consistency is key. The more of the present you are able to avail to the craft, the more the future takes care of itself. That’s my plan. To keep getting better everyday, and watch the future unfold.

Afas Press: It is a good plan. Have you in recent time done any music gig?

Gold: Sure. As an arranger and Musican I’ve worked with artistes within and outside UI.

I worked on the west side Africa e.p (currently garnering over a 500k streams in total)

As an artiste, I’ve featured on tons of projects as well.

I have a performance concert coming up before the end of the year as well.

Afas Press: This is great. Do you have a mentor or better still someone you like their music the most in the Industry?

Gold: Sure. I am a big fan of Eminem. His style was what drew me to rap in the first place. He still remains a major influence on my music.

Afas Press: As you said earlier that in music, you have to keep practicing. How do you keep up with practice?

Gold: Oh… It’s a daily thing.

If you don’t, you get left behind. There’s so many people trying to make it in music. You just have to be the best or else you’re forgotten to history. That’s my approach anyway. I watch the beats in the field and I imitate them, then I attempt to exceed them.

Afas Press: Having it that you’re in Music, you would even find it easier. As a singer, do you have any songs yet to your name?

Gold: I’m a rapper actually. I dabble in singing of course. But Rap is really my element. It’s why they call me the Rap Prof in the first place. Lol.

Yes I have tracks released. About 6 in total. Much more in the studio coming out as well

Afas Press: Nice. Could you give us two titles from your tracks?

Afas Press: Oh sureThere’s “Ibinu” where I featured a very talented singer by the name of Kanni Driz.And there’s “The rap prof”

Afas Press: Well done. Does schooling in anyway affect you doing your music outside music department?

Gold: Of course. My department has certain sorts of music that it favours (music is broad after all) I constantly have to switch between European classical music as demanded by the department, and hip-hop that I enjoy so much. Anyone that knows the two knows it’s a big switch but I have learned to do so. Sing for my grades, rap for my career.

Admittedly, the department has attempted to diversify and modernize. It recently split its music studies to include hip-hop and other modern music forms.

I currently head the hip-hop sub department. So it’s easier now.

Afas Press: Great news. What’s with the change in Music department. A locational change?

Gold: Yes, we did. It’s the departments permanent site. We had prior been using the faculties library building pending the time we could get a space of our own. We have now so, the rest of the faculty would have to make do without our sonorous voices

Afas Press: What would you say Music is to you and what do you think about Arts?

Gold: Music to me is just where I feel free. It’s liberating and It’s like all life’s worries fade into the background when I am in the process.

Sometimes I don’t even remember to eat. Yesterday I had breakfast at 6:30pm. I simply was not aware of my body’s cravings till the session was over.

It is an outlet and a therapeutic medium. I can communicate across space and even across time with people I would never have come a cross otherwise.

The music travels where the artiste cannot. That’s what makes music so powerful.

Afas Press: You got me here. I like the sound of this.

Gold: Arts is about interpretation and perspective. Such level of subjectivity is not found in any other discipline. That’s why the arts is simultaneously so simple and yet so difficult to understand.

We have our work cut out for us. But who is to say we cannot have fun while we unravel these mysteries. That’s why I like art. It is all things and nothing at once.

Afas Press: Well done. You’re doing good for yourself. Thank you for making time to be with us.

Gold: I enjoyed this interview. Thank you as well

Afas Press: Could you share with us your page?

Gold: Yes. I’m on IG as @therapprof.

Afas Press: Thank you for your time once again!

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