CALL OFF PARTY: AFAS President Responds to Allegations of Misconduct, Says Personal Brand responsible for party not AFAS

Olanshile Ogunrinu
Sequel to the summon served by The Faculty of Arts management, through the office of the Sub-Dean, to the President of the Association of Faculty of Arts Students (AFAS), for allegations of gross misconduct concerning refusal to follow due process in organizing the welcome-back-to-school programme, information available to AFAS Press shows that the President, Emmanuel Akinyoola has responded to the allegations.
In the letter addressed to the Students’ Affairs and made available to AFAS PRESS on Tuesday, 22, November 2022, the president maintained that due process was followed in the process of organizing the party. He said his participation in the concluded Convocation play coupled with academics made it difficult for him to respond within the ultimatum.
Addressing the allegation of going ahead with the party without approval from the Staff Advisers and the Faculty Legislative Council, Akoem insisted that the allegation is untrue and that letters were sent to the staff advisers and that there are copies for attestation.
On the allegation of not remitting the money gotten from the sponsor(s), and the money realized from the sales of tickets into the Association of Faculty of Arts Students’ (AFAS) account, The president said the party was organized and funded by a brand ‘AKOEM’ and that AFAS is just a collaborator.
On the FLC, the president said he has not received any complaint from the legislative arm of the faculty and that is because he has not breached any part of the constitution in organizing the party.
“I believe that this letter is explicit enough to clear the air of misconception. I would like to reiterate that the only event was organized and sponsored by the brand AKOEM led by my able self, Mr. Emmanuel Akinyoola, and in collaboration with Association of Faculty of Art’s Students, University of Ibadan. The brand AKOEM catered for all the expenses while the association partnered in making the hall available and in return,I ensured that Faculty of Art’s students benefited from the event. As a leader who does not distance himself from his followers at any time, I put the event in place to honour AFAS with the goal of making AFASITES the major beneficiaries which we achieved,” he concluded.