TEAM ALTRUISM: The story so far…


Opemipo Olukoga

Leadership is a vital concept, essential to the success of an organization, a polity and an administration. Those who hold the reins of power are expected to portray a range of estimable qualities. The role of selflessness in discharging duties and the fulfilment of the myriad of promises made during campaign are regarded as highly pertinent by the ruled. Student politics matters and the conduct of the administration involved is germane to the association’s progress. Following the end of the tenure of the past Faculty Executive president, the electoral process of choosing a new executive leader took place, a successor took his place, and coalesced with other elected individuals under the name ‘Team Altruism’. So far, the press has highly performed its role as a beacon of genuine information, and anyone who had consistently followed the published press articles would affirm that they have been keenly informed about the issues that had played out in the faculty. Has Team Altruism truly discharged their roles to the best of their abilities? Have their positions portrayed their altruism to the pressing needs and desires of AFASITES? 



One of the strides of the executive council that must be acknowledged is the e-library created by the team as a means to aid access to course materials and some relevant study resources. Through this, students were able to download course materials for their GES courses, AFAS constitution and departmental courses – even though most are not readily available. However, the PRO has explained why it is so. Previously, this was included in the Faculty’s PRO manifesto before the electoral process. During one of the interviews with the PRO, he cited that he worked with the Vice President, Olajumoke in a bid to advance smooth learning and access to course materials. However, few students bemoaned over the inability to access some departmental courses.


Another remarkable feat is the adoption of a TV made accessible to AFASITES and other interested people. The TV has not only served as a mouthpiece by providing information on ongoing issues in the school, faculty and Nigeria as a whole but has also provided an arena where AFASITES are able to express their minds and receive advice on steps to take over some pressing issues in their lives. 


The mock-exam culture has also been upheld by Team Altruism, thereby preparing students (not only AFASITES) for their exams. The turn-up for these mock exams is large and the team showcase selflessness in giving other students an opportunity to benefit from the initiative. However, there is still a need for reflection and active participation (as Afasites’ expectations are high from the team, this semester) by the team in ensuring their wins surpass their flaws. 


In a social or political environment where individuals with different paradigms come together to make political decisions on the ruled, controversies would always reign supreme. However, the ability to achieve great teamwork, which would enhance ruling and better decision-making, is dependent on the readiness of the team members. One would think that the new team would work hard to ensure controversies that spark up conflicts of interest do not emerge, due to the brouhaha (during the tail-end of the last session) that followed Eniola-Moses leadership, which led to Afasites being denied extra package. The complications further led to capital being spent more on frivolities without substantial capital left for their successors. When two elephants fight, the grass gets trampled. Although, all past executives had something to say, most blamed it on the dinner party being conducted but the conflict of interest later turned out to have more devastating effects on Afasites. Over the years, the faculty of Arts is popular for its large and fancy parties, this also played out at the inception of the first semester when complications arose as a result of the Call-Off party organized. On this, after being summoned by the management based on some allegations regarding the party including failure to remit souvenirs, the president affirmed that the party was organized under his brand name and none of the association’s money was used for it.
Again, conflicts of interest reared its ugly head this semester. The Super 4 brouhaha and the issue revolving around the suspension of the Sports Director, Prime, was another issue that transpired and revealed a flaw in reaching an agreement between the team members. The crux of his suspension was based on his absence during meetings and his exit from the executive WhatsApp group due to altercations between him and the vice President. This led to an investigation by the FLC committee, where he was found guilty but was pardoned, and he was cleared of suspension after a few weeks. When there are warring opinions between leaders, the ruled suffer. The question is if conflicts are not managed and this continues repeatedly, will many activities in the faculty not come to a halt or be continually disrupted? 


Furthermore, the multiple attacks on the faculty press (which serves as the mouthpiece of the faculty) is a pressing issue. The Press is known for delivering genuine and essential information about events that played out in the faculty but the attacks incited on the press for delivering their duty are appalling. Student leaders should checkmate their actions and exhibit great teamwork rather than inciting unnecessary defiance. The sports director has continually shown his disinterest in responding to the press, with the opinion that the press is bent on tarnishing his image. However, the press must report events and not withhold news in a bid to please an individual. In what was meant to be an interview, as regards this article, he claimed that he was uninterested in responding to the press. However, student leaders should realise that in democracy, accessibility to a leader is hugely important. If accessibility to the press and people is an issue for anyone, why vie for a political position? All these complications and conflicts birth questions. Are the team members self-altruistic or more altruistic and selfless towards Afasites? 


One of the pressing issues that call for concern is the overcrowding of classes and the unfavourable learning atmosphere. The efforts of the faculty management and the current student executives are crucial in ensuring that this situation gets better. Since team Altruism emerged, not much has been seen to be done regarding this and Afasites had to continually suffer the disturbances that come with adapting to this unfavourable atmosphere. Although, the President has claimed to have held meetings with the management regarding this when he was reached out to by the press on the issue.

After a few attempts to talk to the student executives, AFAS Press correspondent was directed to converse with the PRO who duly responded as the spokesperson of the team. During the interview, the PRO, Oluseye Oluwaseun, popularly known as Active Don recounted the trajectory of the administration, the challenges faced and the work implemented. 
“The past year and 3 months have been wonderful and rigorous. But thanks to God, we have made reasonable achievements in academics, welfare, social engagements and other things. This is the best Executive Council in the University of Ibadan. Our actions and decisions are united. Though we had our differences, it does not affect our duties. The President and Vice President are so united in their plans and actions and the other executives respect their personalities and decisions. Everyone understands his right, duties and limitations,” he said.
When asked about how working with the faculty management has been, he said: “Management issues is one of the major challenges we are facing. Also, the issue concerning the disbursement of funds to run our activities. For the past one year and 3 months we have been serving the association, Team Altruism has not received funds for any executive budget till now. We have been using our money, data, airtime, and efforts. We have had meetings without any ‘item 7’ sometimes with our money. If the management can work with the Executive Council, it will yield great results. Members of FLC should not treat executives with the mind that ‘they want to steal or embezzle.”
The PRO also hinted to the press about a few things to expect this new semester and assured that Afasites would get their package early, so history would not repeat itself. 
AFAS Press then reached out to few students to share their opinion on the work of the executive council so far. In his view, Daud Ismail, a student of the Linguistics Department, cited that he observed that Team Altruism engaged the students with effective communication. However, he expressed discontent over the promotion of frivolities over education. 
“One thing that I notice about the team is their timely communication with AFASITEs. They engage people with their effective communications and it works for the freshers a lot, which I think the immediate staylites did not enjoy. However, one thing that is disturbing about them is their partying activities over academic activities. They promote frivolity over education. They can do much better by making students a better idea of their purposes. I think they should choose education over parties”
Another student, Okikiola Elijah, a 200-level student of history also expressed his opinion, as regards the administration. 
“In all honesty. I would say the administration is flawed. A lot of shady dealing, no accountability, no responsible gathering plus no effective academic campaign in the faculty. The set of leadership parading themselves are self-enriching personalities, you know. They don’t understand the virtue of what it takes to be a leader I would say. If we must be truthful to ourselves they’re far from being successful and they drag the name of the prestigious faculty in the mud.”
However, Bamidele Imisoluwa, an English student expressed her view about the administration being ethical enough and her expectations that the administration surpasses the previous one. 


A myriad of broadcast messages about various individuals’ intentions to run for a political post has been flying across but do these individuals truly possess leadership qualities that surpass this current team and that can make the Faculty better? It is pivotal to know and understand that assuming the post of a leader is not enough but encompassing oneself with the required abilities and skills is an essential duty. As a student leader, to ensure that successes surpass controversies, a lot has to be put in place. It is also necessary to place academic concern over all other things. The executive leaders should ensure conflicts of interest do not alter their participation, and attention should be directed towards making life much easier for Afasites. Working hand-in-hand with the faculty management to ensure conducive learning for Afasites, should also be made a priority. Until all these are put in place, students would decry the administration, flawed.

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