Through Changing Scenes: AFAS FLC Yesterday, Today, and Forever

By Aduwo Ayodele
All things with a beginning must have an end. Although it may take longer and each day may pass away like every other, the metaphysics of time and its worth are two essential variables of life. Rightly so, both time and what it would be remembered for, are the two variables which have just been spent by the last known legislative administration under the speakership of Rt. Honorable Akindejoye Olasoji.
Now in the past, the Assembly, during its long tenure of fifteen months, had its own fair record of highs and lows, for which it truly deserves both credits and discounts. There is no doubt that Rt. Hon Akindejoye Olasoji-led FLC administration will be remembered for various contributions and stunts, through over one thousand perspectives by students who constitute AFAS as an Association. While some students would regard the outgone Assembly as one that worked conscientiously without any imprint of detriment to the general will and welfare of students, some would differ, declaring that the last AFAS-FLC precepts were widely better than its recommendable examples, and not worthy of all-out emulation and respect.
Prided as one of its achievements, the erstwhile FLC administration during its fifteen-month-long journey fostered “unity and a sense of belonging among members of the House” by ensuring that all members of the House served on at least a committee. The Assembly was also able to increase the number of House committees to further serve the House and the Association better. Likewise, the Assembly organised a Students’ Legislative Summit, while it also established a proper Standing Order document for the House, which would not need a yearly amendment. The review of the AFAS Constitution was another extolled master stroke. While also doing its prime job of representation, other stunts of the last FLC administration would include the checks on the Executive Council, the control of public expenditure, and the probe function among others.
These so-called achievements were, however, not without some imperfections. Part of this led to the instinctive perception of the House as judgemental, all-powerful, strapping, and high-powered by many uninvolved Afasites in this concluding session. Besides these conceived notions, other challenges poised against the last Assembly included “balancing interest, multitasking, upholding constitutional provisions, and, yet again, surviving the conflicting public perceptions, faced by the need to maintain a high level of professionalism, integrity, and transparency of the parliament.”
It is from this finishing line that the new Assembly must take its succeeding baton. Recommendably, the staple source of the new AFAS FLC administration’s fervent run should be the knowledge of history and the acknowledgment of the future. The current Assembly, comprising both old and new members, must understand that the most important element in mastering the techniques and tactics of racing is experience, and once one has such fundamentals, acquiring the experience is only a matter of time.
The truth is that every Afasite yearns for peace in the faculty and among the arms of leadership in AFAS. This should be recognised as a need and so should the conscious imperatives of sound leadership, administrative efficiency, reconciliation, and progress be known to every ‘honorable’ of the new FLC assembly as the utmost tacit desire of all Afasites. This noble desire, among other rightful others, because it has to be met, must become the prompt for the new leadership of AFAS FLC and its ‘hallowed’ membership, to bring about an Association where all economic and political powers are both fitted, without scorn and contempt.
At the inaugural sitting of the newly constituted AFAS Faculty Legislative Council administration, the new Speaker, Rt. Honorable Alagunfon Lukman has already demonstrated that he is ready to mount an operation that will shape a new polity characterised by ideals and growth, and anchored on unity in the Association. Alongside that promissory impression to the House during the inaugural sitting, the new Speaker had said he would ensure the welfare of every legislator is elevated, while he would also see to the adjustment of a forward-thinking (call it a no-win) relationship among both arms and stakeholders in the faculty. These plans and the sworn oath by each legislator are permanently anticipated.
Each ‘honorable’ should remember that, as always, their membership will come to an end. Self-enlightened that the title can be rewarding and fulfilling, they should be reminded of the unforgivable tasks ahead. Unlike what was witnessed in previous Assemblies, Honorables should at all times be available for the representation of their constituency. Chiefly, each Honorable should justly synthesise information and their debate, both actively and with proficiency on the floor of the House. Honorables must be ready to stand tall for the general good of the Association. More than moving motions on the floor of the House, each Honorable should understand that quality legislative representation is such an act that is practicable and developmental, in thought and action. As the backbone of the AFAS leadership, each legislator must know that their role is both administrative and political–the legislative council should not see itself as a budget-slashing arm, but a budget-appropriation arm of the Association.