Interview with AFAS Sports Director, Kolawole Akintomiwa

Grace Dolor
In a sharp departure from the tumultuous relationship between the impeached Faculty Sports Director and the Faculty Legislative Council (FLC), the current Sports Director, Kolawole Akintomiwa Habib, claims in this interview to have established an “excellent” relationship with the FLC. He highlights his athletic pursuits, his efforts to create new sports teams, and the hurdles he has faced so far as the director of sports.
AFAS Press: Introduce yourself, please.
Sports Director: I’m Kolawole Akintomiwa Habib, a 400-level student of the Department of Communication and Language Arts (CLA). I’m also the Director of Sports for the Association of Faculty of Arts Students.
AFAS Press: As the Sports director, do you participate in any sport within the faculty and the University as a whole?
Sports Director: Yes, I play football, volleyball and badminton. I’m currently the captain of the Association of CLA Students (ACLAS) male team. I’m also a member of the faculty volleyball team.
AFAS Press: So, what are your achievements so far as the faculty Sports Director?
Sports Director: I’ve been able to create teams and training schedules for some sports that weren’t available initially, like basketball, scrabble, badminton and volleyball. And currently, I’m working on acquiring more sporting equipment for AFASites.
AFAS Press: What are the challenges you have encountered so far? If any?
Sports Director: Sponsorships have been an issue and I understand it’s due to the economic situation at hand. Aside from that, there are no challenges so far.
AFAS Press: What are the sponsorship options you have explored?
Sports Director: I’d rather not mention the brands. However, I have reached out to a few notable brands who can be of help to our events.
AFAS Press: How would you describe your relationship with departmental Sports Directors?
Sports Director: Our relationship is solid, we are in constant communication as to how we can improve the sporting situation of the faculty.
AFAS Press: So, how would you describe your experience with the Faculty Legislative Council so far?
Sports Director: It’s excellent. We’re all working in the best interests of AFASites, so it’s really good that we’re working together really well.
AFAS Press: Do you think your excellent relationship with the FLC is commendable in relation to the past Sports administration?
Sports Director: Yes, it is. Which is why I would do everything I can to maintain this great relationship with the FLC.
AFAS Press: How would you rate AFASites’ participation during competitions?
Sports Director: Naturally, AFASites are competitive people, so we always turn up and give our best during competitions. I only just need more numbers in our training sessions.
AFAS Press: Do you think there is a reason why AFASites do not show up in large numbers for training?
Sports Director: I think it’s partly due to the busy schedule of classes and events. Most of them have things that they are busy with outside of their academics. Also, the crowdiness of some sporting facilities discourages them.
AFAS Press: Don’t you think it could be an awareness issue? Most people are probably not aware that sports trainings are held in the faculty.
Sports Director: Yes, an awareness issue is also a factor. But there are groups created for these sports and training days are announced there. I’ve elected heads for each sport and they organise and oversee these training sessions. But awareness can only do so much if AFASites have been engaged for that particular time. No matter how we schedule our training sessions, somebody will always be busy.
AFAS Press: So, what would you say about football being the dominant sport in the Faculty?
Sports Director: Yeah, that’s how it is. Even in the school in general, football is the dominant sport. However, provisions are made for other sports too, for people that are not interested in football.
AFAS Press: What are the provisions made to change that?
Sports Director: The creation of groups and training sessions for other sports, and the appointment of experienced heads to be in charge of the training sessions to teach people who want to learn.
AFAS Press: During the Super 4 Cup tournament last semester, the games were played back to back. Has that been the pattern?
Sports Director: They were scheduled like that because the pitch was booked for other days, so there was no chance to space the games out.
AFAS Press: Alright. What should the Association look out for in terms of sporting activities this semester?
Sports Director: The bulk of our sporting activities are in this semester. We have the Dean’s tournament, the inter-faculty tournament, and the UI Super Cup. There is also a Call of Duty competition coming. The dates for all these events will be promptly communicated to everyone.
AFAS Press: Do you have any other thing you would like to add?
Sports Director: I just want to implore that the Press ask us the Executives questions on anything that may seem confusing or controversial.