AFAS Tardiness: The Forthcoming Consequences of Our Actions and Inactions
Aduwo Ayodele
“Procrastination makes easy things hard, hard things harder” – Mason Cooley
Except for the sake of prudence, the habitual delay of traditional activities in AFAS has reached a degree of concern. And in this case, AFAS stands a chance of harvesting repercussions, if corrective reflections are not taken. This spate of concern to be evaluated is here in this article, made explicable through two specific issues, save for many others which could stream into a long talking epistle.
Seen through both the lens of the overbearing delay of the Faculty of Arts Dean’s Cup, and moreso, the undemocratic feel-at-home attitude of every key person or institution who may have a hand in the delay in the AFAS election process. The petty politics of delaying events, whether it is a customary one or not, which seems to be a growing culture must be rethought.
Last session, election activities began very late and were held in a period which automatically disenfranchised many students, the holiday period when most people had vacated the school already. The tardiness of the period during which the election was held, had largely denied students active, thorough, practicable, and rightful participation.
The issue of the 2024 Dean’s Cup is another ballgame. The game, which is to be played by all departments in the faculty, is yet another protracted event. Despite being in the 10th week of the winding session, the lack of timely preparation towards the game is uncalled for, and this may also strike a chord of low participation among AFASites.
As of the time of this article, no information is being made public about the AFAS Week and Dinner night events held every session. With the academic session nearly at its end, the onus lies on AFAS FLC, AFAS Executives, and every AFASite to feel concerned. Each of these aforementioned groups must pay adequate attention to the cost of their actions and inactions.
For one, it is not only in AFAS that ‘periodic’ election is revered. Even globally, the idea remains a worldwide point of call. Nothing comes best as an election that is held in due time. As it should, things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least. Beyond the metaphysical characteristic of time, priority management is the answer that AFASites should take a thoughtful look at.
AFASites and AFAS leadership must govern the clock and not be governed by it. The re-styling of action expected in AFAS will eventually help to make the University more engaging for students. It’ll also afford AFASites the need to actively participate in other activities of the Association, which comes next to the two peculiar activities (Dean’s Cup and AFAS ‘24 election) which have been mentioned herein. In the same vein, the change to see activities held with punctuality will save students from having divided attention during examinations which are nearby.
The final charge of this piece goes directly to AFAS FLC to see to the formation and inauguration of an electoral committee, which should also conduct the electioneering process within the due period. Departmental Associations which have failed to turn in names of nominees for the electoral committee, from which one each would be picked by the FLC, should cooperate in due time.
On the other hand, the Sports Director of the Faculty Association should give better pace to the organisation of the traditional Dean’s Cup event. It is the 10th week of a shortened academic semester, and the further delay of an event as this will not come without consequences. Time is indeed the truth so that everything, like Albert Einstein once thought, will not haphazardly happen at once.