Short Attention Span: Impact on Academic Performance
Ijeoma Onuoha
It is a beautiful sunny day, another day for lectures, yet you find it challenging to focus on your lectures without getting sidetracked. Missing important details communicated by your peers or lecturers, being unable to complete tasks or engage in activities requiring sustained mental effort and feeling restless, may indicate a short attention span. The issue of a short attention span is of paramount importance due to its impact on learning and academic performance among university students.
Generally, attention span refers to the duration a person can concentrate on a task without getting distracted. Having a short attention span simply means having a lower capacity for sustained focus, lower than expected. According to Longhurst (2019), it was posited in a 2010 study that humans spend nearly 47% of their waking hours thinking about something, other than what they are doing at the moment. This signifies that it is not unusual to find yourself, as a student, losing concentration during lectures or while carrying out tasks; however, it should not be disregarded.
It is widely believed that the average attention span amongst individuals varies due to various factors but is generally estimated to range between 10 to 15 minutes before a decline in focus occurs. However, over the years, there has been a drastic decrease or shortening of the attention span among humans. This is due to certain factors like stress, environmental stimuli, excessive use of digital devices and social media, sleep deprivation as well as underlying physical or mental ailments like depression.
Short attention span can have several adverse effects on university students, including neglecting health, missing crucial information during lectures, inability to complete tasks, difficulty in communication, as well as inability to maintain personal relationships with fellow students. All these negatively impact cognitive functions, including attention and concentration, leading to poor academic performance.
To enhance the attention span as university students, several strategies can be implemented. The first strategy is to limit distractions. Social media and excessive use of digital devices are common distractions that can impair cognitive performance and shorten attention spans. We live in a fast-paced and technology-driven world; thus, it is normal for students to get addicted to social media. This is not to say that technology or social media is bad, but excessive usage is detrimental. Hence, it is imperative to limit this distraction.
Another strategy is time management. This may sound cliche, but it is very important. It is essential to adopt effective time management practices like creating feasible schedules and to-do lists and taking regular breaks when tired. As much as it is important to accomplish certain academic tasks, it is important to rest when we are tired.
Also, staying hydrated and consuming fresh fruits can benefit the brain for better performance.
In addition, avoiding monotonous reading habits is an important strategy to be implemented. University students tend to chunk information while reading and this stresses the brain. Chunking information and crash-reading, due to tests or exams shortens our attention span, as we can get confused and eventually forget all that has been read. Breaking down study materials into smaller sections can help improve focus and retention as well as reduce stress.
Lastly, engaging in physical exercises and the act of meditation are additional strategies that can improve attention span. Keeping the body active and fit through physical exercises helps the brain to function properly and it boosts cognitive function, including attention span. Also, meditation has been proven to enhance attention span. When we meditate, we are able to clear our minds of unwanted thoughts, feelings and information, helping us concentrate on more important things like our academics.
In conclusion, as university students, having a long attention span is important for our focus, learning ability, organisation and information retention. Recognising the factors that shorten attention spans and implementing strategies to enhance focus are crucial for our academic success. Closing with the words of Eric Overby, “…your attention is the most important aspect of being alive.”