Staying Healthy on Campus During the Rainy Season

SADIK, Omolola Rukayat
Staying healthy at any time of the year can be hard, but it is especially tough during the rainy season. The air is humid, and this makes it easy for germs and bacteria to grow and spread. These tiny organisms can be found almost anywhere, and we can get sick if we come in contact with them. For instance, if we touch a surface that has bacteria on it and touch our face or eat without washing our hands, we can easily get infected. This can lead to illnesses like the flu, the common cold, and other bacterial infections.
It is quite easy to understand why there is a higher chance of coughs and colds during this season. Germs and viruses can spread more easily from person to person when everything is wet. When raindrops touch our bodies, we wipe off water with our hands. We proceed to touch other things with these same hands when we are back in our rooms without washing them first. This little unconscious act can transfer germs everywhere. Wet surfaces in your halls of residence can also harbour harmful bacteria, making it even easier to get infected.
So, what do you do? One of the most effective ways to stay healthy during the rainy season is to keep dry. Using umbrellas and raincoats can help prevent colds and flu. Colds and flu are more likely to occur when the body is cold and wet. You must try to keep surfaces dry and wash your hands after touching wet surfaces.
Do you know that washing your hands with soap and water is one of the simplest and most effective ways to prevent the spread of diseases? Good hygiene is important during the rainy season. We need to wash our hands regularly, especially after using the toilet and bathroom and before eating. We should also avoid sharing personal items, like towels and kitchen utensils, to prevent the spread of illnesses.
The risk of disease spreading increases due to waterlogging. Waterborne diseases like cholera, typhoid, and diarrhoea are common during this time. Mosquitoes can also breed during this season because of the easy availability of stagnant bodies of water. In some halls of residence, when it rains, water enters balconies and even passages. If not cleared or cleaned, mosquitoes can turn those spots into their breeding grounds. To keep the campus surroundings clean and dry, the responsibility falls on everyone, including the authorities. There should be a proper and effective drainage and cleaning system, not only in halls but on campus. You should also ensure you sweep and clean the rainwater on your balconies after it rains. By preventing waterlogging, we can reduce the risk of mosquito-borne diseases like malaria, dengue fever, and the Zika virus on campus.
In addition to good hygiene practices are proper waste disposal practices. There are waste baskets everywhere, so you wouldn’t pour waste into gutters or on the floor. However, some students are hellbent on littering the grounds. This isn’t proper, especially during the rainy season, when there is an increased possibility of flooding.
Getting good sleep is also important for our bodies to function properly. We are students, and on our tables are projects, assignments, busy schedules, classes, deadlines, and work. Most students don’t get enough sleep due to the pressures of academic and extracurricular activities. However, this is not enough reason to deprive ourselves of good sleep. Sleep deprivation can weaken our immune system, making us more susceptible to illnesses. When we sleep, our body produces cytokines, which are proteins that help fight off infections and inflammation. Sleep also helps our body repair and regenerate tissues, as well as strengthen our immune system. This means getting enough sleep during this season is needed to help our bodies fight off infections.
Drinking more water is one way to keep yourself healthy. As ironic as it might sound to you, you need to drink more water. You may believe that we only need to drink more water during hot weather; however, this isn’t true. Our bodies need water to function properly, regardless of the weather. So, you need to drink plenty of water to flush out toxins and stay healthy.
Wear comfortable and grippy footwear! Slippery floors and wet surfaces can cause accidents and injuries such as broken bones, head trauma, and sprains. This can be prevented by wearing the right footwear. So, what makes a shoe “appropriate” for the rainy season? Look for shoes with rubber soles and good tread patterns. These shoes provide better grip on wet surfaces and can help prevent slipping. You should also avoid wearing slippers, sandals, or shoes with completely smooth soles, as they can be slippery on wet floors.
In conclusion, the rainy season brings renewed freshness to the environment after the hot, dry season. However, it also brings some health risks that we need to take steps to prevent. By adopting the measures above, we can enjoy the rainy season while staying healthy.