UI’SU Demands Met Partially, Management to Review School Fees


Oluwatosin Adeoye

The University of Ibadan Student Union negotiation committee led by Bolaji Aweda, the Student Union President after a closed-door session with the management announced that the Governing Council of the school will sit to review the school fees and that the August 4 payment deadline earlier announced had been nullified.

Aweda Bolaji while addressing the protesting students mentioned that “no student will be victimized” is the first resolution of the meeting. The closed-door session triggered by the mass student protests generated more positive reactions on matters that concern the students from the management. 

Aweda added that the management would send out a memo to discredit the memo circulating on the scheduling of light on campus. The president of the union also relayed that the General Studies (GES) Textbook purchases are no longer mandatory for students. 

Speaking to the students on protest, the student leader asserted that Alexander Brown Hall’s incessant power failure would be urgently looked into by the management.

Speaking at the protest convergence point, Samson Tobiloba, HOST, the erstwhile president of the Union mentioned that the union is going to take up measures to address the root cause of electricity by calling on the Federal Government through the Ministry of Power.

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