Global Warming:The Environmental Warning

Olu Ololade
Years ago, the 10a.m sun was usually looked forward to by many who regarded it as a source for vitamin D. However, that very endearing gift of nature, which used to bring smiles and hope of a pleasant day to many, has almost become a snare to mankind. Many now avoid it like a plague. What happened? The reason is not farfetched. Global Warming, the biggest environmental issue this generation will face is gradually creeping on mankind.
Global warming is the increase in the Earth’s temperature and climate due to increasing levels of greenhouse gases. Scientific evidences have shown that the climate system of the world is warming. Many changes have been observed in the climatic conditions if the world since the 1950s However, these changes appears to have become more intense, especially in the mid 20th century and in the next few years, the world may begin to experience a full impact of this environmental challenge. Various factors are responsible for Global warming but human activities have been the dominant cause of this climate change since the mid 20th century. Human activities such as deforestation, burning of fossil fuels, the emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane among others have contributed to this climatic change.
It is quite certain that the impacts of these climatic changes will be more positive than negative. The likely changes may include: extreme weather conditions such as heat waves, which many countries of the world have started experiencing. There may also be droughts, wildfire. There may also be heavy rainfall with flood and heavy snowing. The impact on public health will certainly be more negative than positive. There may be increased suicide rates; injury and loss of lives, under nutrition as a result of reduced crop production are all among the likely impacts of these climatic changes. There may also be a 20 percent increase in violence. Street fights, suicide and murder case may be on the high side as a result of the harsh climatic conditions.
As the English man says, “prevention is better than cure”, it is better to prevent this environmental challenge before it prevents mankind from enjoying pleasant moments on earth. A major preventive measure and solution to this potential environmental challenge is putting a stop to man’s inhumanity to nature. When man becomes hostile to nature, it is very certain that nature will revolt. Deforestation, burning of fossil fuels and other activities man engage in to destroy nature must stop.
Some measures can also be adopted to solve the existing problem if climate change. A major possible solo to this potential environmental challenge is climate change adaptation. The adaptation may be planned in reaction to or in anticipation of global warming. Environmental organisations have emphasised the promotion of adaptation changes in infrastructural needs. These adaptation changes are especially important in developed countries since they are more likely to bear the brunt of the effects of global warming.
The citizens and the government clearly have a huge role to play in solving the existing problem of climate changes. Government should enforce strict policies banning the indiscriminate cutting down of trees. These laws may have been put in place but there is a need to make the existing laws stricter and more efficient. Offenders should be punished severely punished.
Citizens can help also not just by obeying the laws but by taking part in the admiration of nature. People should plant trees which would in turn help to combat the adverse effects of this potential environmental challenge.
If these measures are taken into consideration, the biggest environmental challenge that could rise against this generation can be prevented. Be friendly to the environment and it will give you its smiles.