I thought you’d treat me well
Seeing I treated others well
I thought you’d heal my scars
Seeing I have come this far
I thought you’d bestow on me bliss
And make me dine at your table in peace
While I drink of you and forget my worries
I thought you’d give me a place to lay my head
And hide me from the rest of the world
I thought you were all I needed
Since this first commandment I have heeded
But you took me prisoner
You built a cage and locked up my heart
Now it sinks in me
This is song of my imprisoned heart
Caged in the web of love!
What if I had been a boy?
I probably wouldn’t be so coy
What if I hadn’t been me?
I’d be somewhere wishing I were me
What if I hadn’t taken that job?
I probably wouldn’t have found what I love
What if I hadn’t taken his ring?
Guilt would forever in my head ring
What if I hadn’t taken that road?
I might spend the entire journey searching for purpose
What if all the ‘what ifs’ happened
I’d still be here wondering what if.