AFAS Political Vox Pop: AFASites react to Prime’s impeachment

The recent impeachment of Alawiye Israel as sports director of AFAS has stirred up a lot of controversy amongst Afasites. On March 25th, 2023, the Faculty Legislative Council cited negligence of constitutional duties and unaccountability as the reasons for his removal from office. Also, the postponement of the Super 4 and Inter-level competition, a highly anticipated faculty sports competition, has also been a topic of heated discussion. In response to this decision, AFAS Press conducted a vox pop asking AFASITES their opinions on the matter. Is it fair or unfair? Let’s hear what AFASITES have tosay.
I expected it…
“Well, I think we all saw it coming so when I heard the news about the impeachment, I wasn’t entirely surprised. Right from the time when he was suspended from office last year, he has been making some unreasonable decisions. About the whole turn of events, which led to his impeachment, I am not entirely sure if it justifies his impeachment but I think it has been a long time coming so the presentation of the budget probably broke the ice on the camel’s back.”
“Prime impeachment, I don’t know the full details behind what caused it so I cannot say it’s fair or unfair but I know one thing for sure, he’s not the only executive but I wonder why he’s the only one having problems all the time. I know he wouldn’t be so careless to make the same mistakes over and over again so definitely something is wrong somewhere behind the scenes which are not clear to the rest of us.”
Makinde Raphael Tobi
“I believe it was well deserved if the allegation of lack of accountability levied against him was true.”
“The impeachment is unjust and unnecessary”.