By Opeyemi

Earlier last week, I watched a Ted Talk by Derek Sivers titled, “Keep your goals to yourself” where he basically emphasized on how people act or handle things when they have goals they want to achieve. He asked the audience to imagine their biggest personal goal and then move on to picturing it and telling others about the goal. Usually when you tell people you want to achieve something their response to this can make or mar any attempt to actualise your goals. But then we could get positive feedbacks which make us really happy and make us feel good about ourselves. 

Based on this Ted talk and research that have been made by psychologists, when we tell people about our goals, we end up achieving less often because we feel like we have told people and this means they think we are doing something. This false act makes us look good to them when in fact we are doing nothing. However, when we don’t tell people about our goals we end up doing more or we tell people such as mentors who will keep us on check as that’s what we all need once in a while. People that are real and keep us in check when we are going off the “right path”. Why not do it this way though? When you have a goal, write it down… you would be shocked at the rate we forget things. You will keep telling yourself oh I will remember this but you often end up forgetting and another good thing is the internet which has given us search engines which can guide you towards achieving thus goals so you don’t have to always tell people but rather make researches and start working towards your Goals. Reach your goal today! 

Societal views and you

Do we ever think of how our views on people affect them? How you treat people based on your opinion about them. I recently came across a story of a girl who committed suicide by drinking disinfectants and how a particular family without knowing all had a hand in her suicide. They had all in one way or the other impacted her life. And it was not until they were interviewed that they all knew this and they still did not all admit to having a hand in her suicide. 

By seeing someone who is all dressed up doesn’t mean they are actually from a rich home and you can decide to rip them off in the pretense of making profit if they come and buy your wares. And by seeing someone who is not appearing so good doesn’t mean you should ignore them or decide not to attend them or decide they are not worth your time. We need to treat everyone with a general view… don’t place people on higher esteem because of their appearances or the people they link with. The society needs to look out for each other as your action towards someone can actually help their day or week or life. There is this saying, “Thank God we don’t look like what we have been through” because most people cover their struggles with a smile. Do try and reach out to someone today! Save a life! 

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